The most walkable cities
Check out The World’s Most Walkable Cities, with brief suggestions for seeing 10 world cities on foot. Via 21st Century Tech Blog.
Check out The World’s Most Walkable Cities, with brief suggestions for seeing 10 world cities on foot. Via 21st Century Tech Blog.
Thoughtful piece from Design Management Institute (DMI) – The Value of Design in Developing Markets: An Indian Insight (8-p PDF) – offers examples of how incorporating an understanding of a culture into the design of products for that culture results in a better product and better profits. It starts out with …
World-Class Buildings For The Underserved, At Under $10k – Co.Design post about the work of Norwegian firm TYIN tegnestue Architects, winners of this year’s European Prize for Architecture. “The four-year-old firm’s principals, Andreas G. Gjertsen and Yashar Hanstad, work from a simple prerogative: Architecture is pragmatic, and should help people …
National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) from the U.S. Dept of Energy allows you to “search for data from 50 state geological surveys and a number of geothermal research centers and build mashups of maps or search through thousands of scanned reports.” Read more about it on Arizona Geology. Via ResearchBuzz.
McKinsey Quarterly video has four experts offer advice that highlights a number of business disciplines where global companies need to raise their game in order to compete effectively. These include resource allocation, innovation, brand building, sales and distribution, and the development of local leadership. See it at Winning the $30 …
Interactive tool from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “illustrates the linkages between human health and ecosystem services—benefits supplied by Nature.” It shows the relationship between an ecosystem (say, a forest), the “service” provided by that ecosystem (air filtration), and its health benefits as described in studies. Saw it on …
In 16,345 Photographs, Capturing The Entire Planet – Co.Exist post on the Degree Confluence Project. Great idea, wonderful photos.
Want To Work From Home? Calculate How Much You’ll Save Your Company And Yourself – new telework calculator from Govloop and HP tells you how much you’re saving in commuter costs by working from home. See the sidebar for more links.
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