Google grant for healthy buildings


A healthy grant to support healthy buildings | Official Google Blog – Google recently gave $3 million to the USGBC to support research into green building materials, especially in the workplace.  Read more about it on BuildingGreen:

In one of the biggest announcements to come out of Greenbuild 2012 in San Francisco thus far, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has announced a $3 million grant from Google to support work on healthier building materials. Google has already been a pioneer in keeping toxic chemicals out of building products used in its building projects (see A Peek Inside Google’s Healthy Materials Program), but this grant takes its public support for research and advocacy in this area to a new level.

Google is also #1 on the 2012 Best Companies to Work For list.  Another newsflash about Google – Google invests $75  million in Iowa wind farm, via @sustainableguy:

The high electricity demand of Google’s massive data centers is one of the reasons the company backs energy projects that cause less pollution than traditional power plants.

Google’s investments in renewable energy now exceed $990 million.