Old gas tower into data center

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Old Gas Tower to Become Futuristic Data Center – Swedish internet service provider Bahnhof and it’s CEO Jon Karlung are planning to transform this 1893 gas tower, the Stockholm Gasometer, into a state-of-the-art data center.  Bahnhof is known for its unusual data center design as in the ‘James Bond Villain’ data center and the Space Station modular data center.  Two proposals, from Albert France-Lanord and from Splitvision, are being considered for the gasometer.  See more from Bahnhof here.

Bahnhof’s data centers also divert captured waste heat to nearby offices and homes.

Some of Karlung’s marketing efforts will be controversial among the broader data center community, such as the claim that the new facilities will have Power Usage Effectiveness ratings of 0.8 and 0.5. A measurement below 1.0 is theoretically achievable if on-site power generation and heat reuse is included. Many data center professionals don’t recognize claims of a PUE below 1.0, saying it is not in the spirit of the metric.